Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Update, as requested.

I got a sweet email today from my friend PrairieBluestem, asking that I post an update. So, as requested by my buddy, here's an update for you:

First, I still have the walking cast. Getting around is easier, thanks to practice and a lovely cane. I've been able to get out with hubby a couple of times, just to the grocery and riding in the country, but it was wonderful to escape the same old four walls. Next doctor's appointment is on the 25th, and we'll see what happens then. Wish me luck!

Second, I've recently been put in touch with some long lost cousins and other family members, along with a great deal of genealogy information. My father's family is now traced back to 1768, which is pretty good, considering I knew nothing about my Dad's family beyond my own grandfather until just last week. As a result, hubby and I spent the day yesterday categorizing and scanning photographs and documents to share with the rest of the family. Luckily, I had photos of two of the cousins who said they didn't have any pictures of themselves from when they were children. I felt so glad to be able to provide them with at least some remembrances of their childhood.

Third, most other family members are doing pretty well, with the notable exception of one family branch. My father's oldest sister's oldest son died about a week and a half ago in Costa Rica or Guatemala, apparently having had a fall and head injury. He will be memorialized in our hometown this weekend. I remember this cousin as my "coolest", since he was in a band, The Rogues, that toured the world back in the 70s. This cousin also had one of the first degrees in computer science, also back in the 70s, or maybe even the late 60s. This cousin had the most beautiful long brown hair and was incredibly handsome. He gave my brother his start in what is now his career as a Project Manager for an electrical contractor. I remember this cousin bringing something to my Dad when he was sick with cancer, and how much it meant to my Dad that he was the one who brought it. This cousin was also a very talented photographer, among many other talents. He will be missed.

Last, I am going to close this blog in the next few days. No, I'm not dropping off the face of the earth. Rather, I'd like to "come out" and be able to identify myself on my blog. But, considering some of the topics I've written about in this blog, I'd rather start clean with a brand new blog. If you'd like to be notified when I set up the new one, please email me at wrkinprogress at gmail dot com and I'll be glad to let you know the new address.

I hope all of you are safe & warm & have electricity/heat! Some of my friends in NY and OK are not faring quite as well.



Anonymous said...

Your poor family has been through so much this year! I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin.

Of course, I would love to know your new address! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi WIP! I don't know if you still check these comments, but I cannot for the life of me find the link to your new blog and I was wanting to check in! I have missed you, and I hope all is well with you. :)